
  1. M

    Help! Injured chicken with Burns and patchy feathers!

    A little information, My uncle found a chicken and he knows that I have a few of my own so he asked if I wanted to take on a rescue chicken and of course I had to accept. from what he told me the chicken was in a wrecked car and was stuck onto the vehicle. The vehicle was going to be towed to a...
  2. K

    Needy Chick

    Hello! I am a very new chicken owner, I’ve had them since they were 3 days old, hatched on 4/23. So far things have been going very well - I have 4 chicks, Blue Cochin, Australorp, Ameraucauna, and one that I believe is an Easter Egger. I’ve grown very close to them and they to me, and I try my...
  3. cluckmecoop7

    My chickens are getting a little bored...

    Hi everyone, I am recovering from a cold right now and can't give my chickens as much a attention as usual. They are used to getting a lot of attention. I don't want them to get bored and start feather picking, etc. :hmm Does anyone have any ideas that I could make/do for my chickens? It would...
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