bacterial infection

  1. M

    Chicken has white spots on comb and black tips

    Hi all. My hen is a lavender Orpington about 6 months old, and I realized her comb has some white on it with black tips. I think it’s been this way for quite a while, but since another hen got a comb injury I’ve been paying closer attention to all the others. Do you think this is maybe some sort...
  2. N

    Help with baytril dosage!

    The attached picture is the medicine I got my girls. So I’m trying to figure out how much to give them. The bottle says 10mgs/kg body weight so I figured that means 20mgs per hen.( cause each hen weights about 5lbs and that converted to mgs is 2kgs per hen. ) so I’m confused because the syringe...
  3. J

    HELP! Is it too late? Pekin Duck Head Tremors, Imbalance, Diarrhea, Eye Discharge

    My Pekin Duck first showed signed of imbalance on Saturday (6/5). My first thought was a broken leg but then I quickly realized it seemed neurological and head tremors began. She was doing okay in the water, drinking, and cleaning herself for the next three days but will not eat any food. She is...
  4. Science and treatment for bumblefoot (footpad dermatitis)

    Science and treatment for bumblefoot (footpad dermatitis)

    Bumblefoot is a condition that can affect all domestic foul despite breed or age. It may be a scary sight. But fear not! For your fluffy gal (or roo) will get better in no time. All vocab words will be bolded at the bottom of the article to better help readers understand! Bumblefoot: What is...
  5. Australorp94

    Impacted Crop (Crop Surgery)

    Hi BYC community. I have a chicken with an impacted crop. I've been trying to get the impaction to pass, but I'm having a hard time. Massaging the crop and a mild laxative called Dulcolax aren't working. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I think I'm getting to the point where crop surgery...
  6. H

    Yellow Crusty scabs

    Hi I have a little Japanese bantam that is 1year old. She lives indoors as shes slightly disabled with her tiny legs and hops around rather than walks. Shes not very good and preening herself so l help as mush as possible with a nit comb that works well Recently she has started with crusty...
  7. C

    Anyone do a skin biopsy on their duck?

    I'm curious about whether anyone has ever had a skin biopsy done on their duck. I am trying to figure out next steps for my Pekin duck Penny who has some sort of bacterial skin infection. She's been to see an avian vet twice now. She's tried 5 different antibiotics, injectable meds for...
  8. K

    Please help! I believe a bacterial infection is killing my girls!

    Sorry for the chapter book I'm about to write. I'm heartbroken. I only have 3 girls and now 2 are gone. I'm so upset, I did everything I could right. I tried to do everything by the books and speak to people here and I knew about raising chickens, and then one died suddenly two weeks ago. I had...
  9. L

    Lethargic rooster. Sitting/sleeping with beak in the ground.

    My poor boy. I’ve got an entirely new flock of 11 birds. Mixed bunch of small Japanese variety and big polish. My sick bird is a polish rooster. Not sure how old, maybe a year. He’s very lethargic, not exploring with the rest of the flock even when I bring out fresh food (veg, fruit scraps). He...
  10. Citychickengal

    Bright green runny poop & squishy crop - please help, desperate!

    If anyone can help I would so appreciate it - I’m desperate here, I have no idea what is wrong with my hen! She’s about 6.5 months old, and not yet started to lay eggs. She free ranges in my backyard with 10 other chickens, none of whom show any signs of illness. I first noticed that my one...
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