
  1. Lspears218

    Unicorn Chicken!? My chick has a growth on it’s beak.

    Hello- Recently I have noticed one of my chicks has a growth on its beak. It is hard and feels the same as its beak. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Any info will help, thank you !
  2. Ssutor

    Beak concerns

    Hi All, I have been noticing some dark spots on our ducks beak at the top. It does at times look a little sore/red. The last few days she has developed a pink scab on the bottom of her beak, any advice?
  3. Legosi

    My chickens beak wont close!

    My chicks beak won't close all the way it's not slanted at all but it just won't close. I need to know how to fix this and what it is!
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