black soldier flies

  1. Shimmerpuppy

    Ants getting my baby BSF larvae

    Hi all! Hoping to get some insight here. I just started a BSF larvae bin. It is a very simple construction. Just a bin on some cinder blocks with some pipe ramps stuck in it. We put some kitchen scraps along with the dead snake that got 3 of our baby chicks (serves him right) in there...and...
  2. 6

    What’s your opinion on Mealworms?

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! I was wondering what everyone’s opinions are concerning the feeding of mealworms to chickens? This thread might also possibly help others, find a lot of information/opinions in one place, concerning mealworms. Do you feed a handful daily? Twice a week? Once a...
  3. GarrisonH

    Black Soldier Fly Larvae for sale

    Hello! I have just started a soldier fly composting project in NYC and have an excess of live larvae that I'm looking to sell. After several months I finally established an indoor breeding colony and now it seems the sky is the limit for how many larvae I can produce. I use them personally to...
  4. miiichaelnielsen

    Hens HATE Soldier Flies?

    I bought a huge bag of those soldier fly larvae treats for them and none of my girls act even remotely interested in them. I've tried both dry and rehydrating them with no avail. What gives? I thought they be going crazy over them. I'm mostly just curious if anyone else has had this experience?
  5. Phoenixheart14

    Hens in the Garden Compost/ Black Soldier Flies

    Does anyone else let their girls play in the garden compost? My girls absolutely love it although I do lose a lot of material! I was wondering if anyone has ever tried raising black soldier flies on the garden compost for their chooks? It sounds like an amazing idea, but I have know idea where...
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