broken nail

  1. Qquails899

    Limping and panting quail

    Hello all I’ve had this coturnix quail for about a year now, and she’s been having problems. She started constantly panting a month after I bought her, we’ve been to the vet but the medicine he gave didn’t help. She also has difficulties swallowing…I’d attach a video of that if I knew how to :/...
  2. filmcmahon

    broken nail bleeding

    hello! my columbian has a bit of a nail injury. it appears that she broke half of her “thumb” nail and it was bleeding quite a bit yesterday. i think she might’ve caught it on something while digging in the yard yesterday. anyways, i investigated it further today and it is almost half ripped...
  3. Cyprus

    Coverup lotion for broken nail?

    Hello :frow I have a Leghorn who managed to tear a nail at some point this morning. She was steadily dripping blood and covered in her own blood from the top of her head to her toe. The nail is half on, half off. The bottom side of the nail is mostly broken off. I have her in a clean isolation...
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