broody box help

  1. MegsEggsx

    I am writing an article about chickens going broody! Would love some input!

    Heyyyy, As said in the title I am writing an article about chickens going broody, it is mainly about what to do if you don't want them to hatch eggs. I'd love if anyone with any advice, input, or experience to share their ideas! I will quote people. Also, any pictures of broody chickens, broody...
  2. MegsEggsx

    NEED HELP!!! My poor girl is broody and starving herself, lost a lot of weight, trying to stop her from being broody

    Hi all! I have a bantam hen that is broody, she has been broody for about 2 weeks. Her eggs are infertile because we have no rooster. I was planning on just letting her wait it out but after the first week I could see she was loosing weight fast so I decided to put her in the broody cage. She...
  3. Everlastinghoop

    Broody Hen, will her chicks be safe, in the chicken tractor she chose to nest in?

    Hello! Our first time with a broody hen! She is our own hybrid from my first incubated hatch last year. She is on day 15 on her clutch. I candled the eggs and She will have chicks. My question is, I am worried about the chicken tractor she is in for navigating baby chicks in..or rather out...
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