bruised leg injury

  1. Katakornchicks

    Black bruises (?) on pullets legs?

    This is my 6 week old Splash Ameracauna chick. She has developed a black spot on one of her legs. Is it a bruise? I thought chicken bruises were yellow. Bruise on left leg
  2. A

    Bruised legs and can’t walk!

    Hi everyone! I have a problem with one of my hens and hoping I can get some suggestions! One of our buff hens was found by my dad about 8-10 feet from the road unable to put weight on her legs. I had seen her just and hour and a half earlier with the other hens and she was completely normal...
  3. clarkebar78

    Chicken Growth Plate Damage

    Hello Everyone I welcome any advice and info on my latest chicken saga! I have a 8/9week old rare breed Death Layer Roo that I invested in with a pullet to breed. Very happy with the GreenFire line as it was imported and from a reputable breeder. Over what seems one evening I noticed a roost...
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