bug spray

  1. SuperC

    Is Spectracide Triazicide safe

    Hi y’all, I need to deal with a sudden tick invasion in my yard and want to use Spectracide Triazicide because I know it works. I found 3 ticks on my clothing yesterday just by walking in the short weed/grassy area in my yard where I’m building my coop & run. A few notes; my chicks are still...
  2. emupriya

    Emu Being Bitten by Flies…

    Now that it is spring and the bugs are out, I’ve noticed mayflies landing on my emu’s (Kevin) neck and face and biting him. When I wipe them off there is sometimes a bead of blood. On my goats I use an animal specific bug spray but I don’t want to use this on Kevin, especially not around his...
  3. A

    Can I wear bug spray around my ducks?

    Can I wear bug spray around my duckling’s? I would make sure to spray myself far away from them and try to keep my hands clean if I have to touch them. Any ideas? The summers here are hot and humid and the bugs are really bad this year. The only time I would need some kind of bug repellent is...
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