button quail eggs

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Questions about keeping button quail.

    I live in an area that in winter drops below freezing (to the teens to even the negatives sometimes) and rises in summer to the 90's. I am wondering if I keep them in a draft-free enclosure could they live outdoors? What about feeding? Eggs per year? Also, what about keeping them with Coturnix...
  2. J

    button quail day 18 no signs??

    Hey Not sure if this is worth posting as this might be normal but this is my first time hatching eggs so a little unsure. it’s currently day 18 of hatching my button quails and there seems to be no signs of them hatching? No noise or pipping of the shell from them is this normal? Last time I...
  3. Chickadee-Dee

    Hatching button quail eggs

    Hey all, My female is constantly wanting to hatch eggs, but every time one hatches she ends up trampling the poor soul to death and then ignores the other eggs and they eventually dont make it. I haven't been able to acquire an incubator that I like for their tiny eggs so I normally just take...
  4. nightjar12

    Anyone interested in button quail? (Spokane)

    My fiancee and I are about to incubate button quail eggs for the first time. We’ll be receiving more eggs than we plan on hatching for ourselves, so I figured I’d post here to see if anyone would like some chicks! The quail will be a random mix of different color varieties. Alternatively, if...
  5. Button Quail 123

    Button Quail Pair

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to know, should button quail that will be kept as a pair be from different clutches/batches of eggs? Can they be from the same clutch? Thanks for all the wonderful advice, Button Quail 123 :) P.S How do you do make all of the animated emojis/faces?
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