chick question

  1. JohnsterSpacePoultrygram

    A question about chick grit

    For our family's day-old poultry (some chicks and ducklings), which are going to be arriving soon, we have bought some chick grit (this one specifically) for them. On the bag it says not to start feeding them the grit until they are at least two weeks old. But I've also read that chicks need...
  2. Sashjack

    How late is too late to get chicks in the fall? (I live in Chicagoland suburbs)

    Hey there, My family has been very interested in keeping chickens for a while. We recently just got the opportunity to be able to get some, but are wondering if it’s too late to get day-old chicks so that we would be able to transfer them to an outdoor coop before the cold hits, having to let...
  3. Ash.M

    Can chicks have momentarily paralysis from fear?

    We are raising our first group of chicks ever and one of our chicks, a blue Cochin, keeps having this weird momentary paralysis. It's happening at night when they are about ready to go to bed and we are cleaning out their brooding box to ensure there is no wet bedding and to get rid of most of...
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