chicken acting strangely

  1. K

    Hen afraid of her own flock?

    So, I've got a year and a half year old Rhode Island that was recently hurt. Big chunk of her skin was torn off by the spurs on our rooster. We took her inside for a little to let her heal, and now that she has healed we were putting her back. Problem is, when we put her outside: she got so...
  2. S97

    My 10 month old black australorp hasn't laid a egg in 3 days

    As the title shows she hasnt laid an egg in a while. She usually lays every day but recently she has been laying down randomly by herself when the flock goes around the yard she will just lay down randomly. I thought that maybe she is egg bound but I checked her vent and did not feel a egg. I...
  3. salimben60

    New Member

    Hello Chicken family, I recently purchased a house that came with three chickens. I let the chickens out of the run but they messed up the garden so I want to start locking them in. Now, every morning they cry like crazy as soon as they wake up so I can open the run. Any advice on how to stop...
  4. C

    Skin disorder in Black Sex Link

    I have a seven year old Black Sex Link hen that is acting sick. She has lost 1/3 her weight in a month. Puffing her feathers up, pulling out tail feathers mostly around butt and underneath stomach area. Other feathers seem to be falling out randomly. Skin has turned a dark yellow across body...
  5. EricaCAL

    One chicken being bullied and she wont move!

    Hi all. So I have 6 backyard chickens, that's the whole flock. I have one Buff Orpington (Buffy) who used to be near the top of the pecking order and now she is being mercilessly bullied by the other 5. We noticed a change in her behavior two weeks ago and then saw her being pecked in the...
  6. Brady bunch


    Our chickens are not eating. We have tried to give them food but they do not eat it! We have switched them to layer and they have eaten it fine the last week or two and now the won’t eat. They will eat cherry's and scraps but not their food which provides the most nutrients for them. And they...
  7. Watermeat

    Wry Neck Trouble

    So, one of my Easter Eggers has wry neck. I've been treating her for two weeks. The first week went by very smoothly and she showed a lot of improvement- She stopped loosing her balance and started turning her head straight if she put in the effort to. It's week two, and she stopped accepting...
  8. Watermeat

    Overly Friendly Chicken?

    Hi there, this is my first time trying to post so I hope that I'm writing this in the right forum and I apologize for the length. So, I have a flock of eight chickens, all of them almost two months old and they were all raised together. All of them are very tame, but one of them stands out...
  9. Tyson_chickens

    Sickly Chicken

    So my darling Henny (Easter Egger) has been acting quite strange the past couple of days. She hasn't be grazing like the others and she has been laying down most of the day in one spot. I go to pick her up and she pretty much allows me without any restraint. She used to go running around with...
  10. D

    I think my chicken is depressed

    so, I got a new dog last Saturday and the second day she was out she attacked one of my chickens and made a deep wound in her back/tail and I tried to help the chicken by cleaning the wound and blood and after that I set her down in the coop and she just done was she normally would do but 2 days...
  11. JustJaxson

    My chickens aren’t friendly anymore

    So over the week I went to Hawaii for seven days and while I was gone I had my cousin take care of my flock. Now that I’m back my chickens haven’t been that friendly; when I try to pet them they run away and have not been the same friendly chickens that will come and run up to you ever since I...
  12. K

    Newbie Momma Chick

    Got my first set of chicks 2weeks ago and I love them so much!! I've got 15 little angels I have 3 black sex links, 3 production red, 1 ameraucana, 1 silkie, 2 polish, and 4 other bantams.
  13. A

    Chicken making noise when breathing

    This morning I noticed something up with my 6 year old cream legbar, she was sort of purring while breathing and panting/ gasping for air, I though she had something lodged in her throat so I gave her some olive oil and massaged her which seemed to help a little at first but it’s been 3 hours...
  14. Millie Molly.Chooks

    My Chicken is Not Eating

    Hi, I have two chickens. One has recently been behaving strangely and I am unsure of what is wrong with her. A few weeks ago she got into the seed bag and overate. It looked like she had a full crop afterwards and we massaged but now she doesn't eat seed at all. She will eat cooked rice and peck...
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