chicken canker

  1. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Hello fellow chicken people! I have a hen (3 year old Barred Rock) with what I'm 90% sure is canker. Here's what I know so far: 1.) She has some nasty, cheese-like gunk in her mouth I at first thought was wet pox. 2.) Her breath smells bad (almost like old tuna...? Hard to describe, but it is...
  2. Gaia86

    Is this canker? Chicken with necrotic tissue in her mouth

    Hi there! I need help, I’ve been reading a lot of posts about chicken canker and I have few questions. Almost a week ago I took my chicken to the vet, she’s on metrodinazole 200mg/ml. I thought Lord Byron was getting better but today I realized her mouth was full of canker plaques (see pic)...
  3. E

    Canker treatment - have I got the right stuff?

    Hello, I have a chicken with recurring canker, we’ve had some success with metronidazole and carnidazole (Spartrix tablets) but they are losing their impact and I want to try the acidified copper sulphate solution instead. Except this stuff really scares me because I read if you get the...
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