chicken cure

  1. AC56

    Boiled yolk like mass inside dead hen

    Hi all, I have noticed one of hens being unwell. Assumed egg bound. Made bath for her etc. But her belly was massive like a ball, she was panting and walking like duck. We gave another two days, but decided to put out of misery. Only two options in Internet are water belly or egg bound. None of...
  2. Thechickentrainer1999

    Irregular shaped pupil

    I have an almost 3 year old buff orpington hen who's left eye has all of a sudden changed. She acts normal, looks overall healthy but I'm not sure why it has changed. The pupil is slightly irregular shaped while the eye is a lighter color. The other eye is completely normal. She's lived with the...
  3. Muhammad Ahtisham Ali

    Baby chickens sneezing

    Hello everyone. I just bought 15 baby chickens ( about one week old ). I have kept them in a cardboard carton which is apparently warm enough. I have used a 100-watt bulb to keep them warm. But I noticed they all are sneezing and one of them just died. So I am really concerned about them. Any...
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