chicken genetics help

  1. T

    Blue cuckoo Polish

    Anyone know what the outcome would be if I crossed to blue cuckoo polish?? Would I get BBS offspring? Or would I just get blue cuckoos?
  2. a_katers_dozen

    Wanting to learn about feather patterning

    Hi! I'm new here. I hope this is the right place to post! I have two 10-week-old pullets that I bought as Green Queens. I'm super interested in the patterns they carry and would love to learn more. One (Te Kā) I recognize the crest as a cream legbar mix but her coloring was not typical of the...
  3. freshfarms

    New Member Intro

    Hi friends! Mama of 3 and homesteader in South Jersey. Here is my intro post: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Not new, though new things come up all the time with chickens. We first started with them in 2020. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Started...
  4. B

    Mystery Pullet-- Help with Color Genetics (groundcolor, English Orpingtons, facemuffs)

    Hello everyone! I raise pet backyard chicks and currently have 19 ranging from 5 months to 5 years in age. I have a few pullets that I can only guess as to what their colors & genetics are. I hatched them from my backyard flock, from my one rooster as the father. The rooster is supposedly...
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