chicken survivor

  1. RandomAnarchy

    Tales of Azula the wonder chick, and her sister Ty Lee!

    @Debbie292d @WoDia This is a thread for updates on Azula, the chick that survived possible Marek's disease; and her sister Ty Lee! Azula was found at a local feed store panting and heaving, horrible respiratory distress. For about three days I had been syringe feeding her whenever her crop...
  2. PandemicChicken

    Sole chicken has thinning wing feathers, but recovering from mites and molting?

    Hi, this is my 1st time posting and 1st time chicken owner after my dad irresponsibly bought chicks in March 2020. We experienced a predator attack that left us emotionally traumatized, with only 1 small hen left named Jin (we thought Jin was a cute name but didn't know the chick's gender at the...
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