chicken tractor/coop

  1. CLEchicks

    New Member - Here’s my coop

    Just got my coop finished and have 5 chicks! 2 Easter eggers, 2 black australorps, and 1 Rhode Island red! Lots to improve as I go but here is the beginnings of my coop. Happy for recommendations and tips to improve.
  2. Missceegee

    Our New Cluck Wagon

    Newbie here. Wanted to share some photos of our new Cluck Wagon. I got lots of inspiration from everyone’s posts and wanted to share ours. Notes: We’re in Florida so cold isn’t a big issue. This is the year round chicken tractor/coop. Right now there are 13 hens and a rooster who sleep here...
  3. The Chick Chalet

    The Chick Chalet

    It's been a long time in planning and construction, but the Chick Chalet is finally complete! In February I approached my son with my idea for a small chicken tractor suitable for raising chicks or providing a private place for a broody hen to set eggs for me. He drew up the plans on his tablet...
  4. A

    Tractor/coop Add hardware cloth to pvc & build for slope

    I need to make a chicken tractor with coop out of something light. We started to do one in wood and it’s too heavy even though small. I’m thinking PVC but wondering how to attach hardware cloth to it. We have eagles and hawks as well as coyotes. Also our property is sloped. Any build hints to...
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