chickie babies

  1. Walnutchickies

    Surprise box of chicks from Alchemist Farm

    Hi! I ordered the suprise box of chicks from alchemist farm in California. Didn’t get to choose any of the breeds in the box. Was suppose to get 10 and pleasantly surprised with 15 beautiful babies. Would appreciate any help with breed identification and sex. The potential breeds are German...
  2. LilMissChick

    New Chickens, New Adventure!

    hello everyone! Thought I would show off my new baby chicks. This is my first adventure into chicken ownership and just in love with my little babies. I’ve got 2, 10 day old salmon faverolles, 1, 1 day old blue australorp, 1, 1 day old blue splash australorp, and 2 mottled Ameraucana. The...
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