
  1. How smart are chickens?

    How smart are chickens?

    How smart are chickens? As anyone who’s cared for chickens knows, chickens are sensitive animals, keenly attuned to dangers and changes in their environments. Those of us who spend time enjoying observing our flocks may also notice some special individuals who stand out, and are identifiable...
  2. kurby22

    Any guesses what got this started? Chickens are loud 😆

    My rooster started it, then mini rooster started in and then all the ladies joined! My favorite is Betty White (the white silkie) who seems to be totally confused as to why everyone is so upset hahaha 😆
  3. sxulpxnk

    Henster? Or just a hen making weird sounds? Any Chicken cluck/noise experts??

    Hi there! I have 4 hens; 2 amberlinks (named Katya and Delilah), 1 dominique (named Gita) and 1 production red (named Ginger). My amberlinks and dominique are around 21-22 weeks old, while my production red is about a week younger than them, between 19-21 wks. Ever since they hit what I call...
  4. CanadaEh

    Chicken clucking following egg laying (so called song) questions

    Here the questions I could not find answers for: 1) what is rationale of calling the most annoying chicken sound a "egg laying song"? 2) why does it sound exactly the same (to human ear) as chickens danger/distress sound? 3) why would other hens/roos would pick up and join that clucking the same...
  5. AnotherMeOhMy

    Chick speak. Two questions.

    My August a Faverolle mix is just o er 2 and 1/2 months old now. Recently her chirps have had random clucks inbetween them. Sometimes she sounds like a goose with a random honking sound. Is this the normal progression of sounds for a chick her age? Next, at whay point do I introduce a nest box?
  6. C

    Pullet not clucking?

    Hello all! I am new here to BYC and super happy to have finally joined. I've learned so much just scrolling through the forums, so it'll be neat to finally be a part of it! Sorry if my question is in the wrong subthread, just let me know and ill move it! So around the first week June of this...
  7. I

    Rooster mating with hens. When should I expect eggs?

    Hello, I have bantams, 1 rooster and 2 hens that are four and a half to five mounths old. The rooster has started to mate with the hens and the hens are becoming more vocal. Should I expect eggs soon? Thanks,
  8. MrsNoName

    What is wrong with my girl and what can I do about it?

    My 4 year old black Australorp, Polly, has suddenly turned really nasty. Her whole behavior is off. She is clucking constantly where she has generally been quite a quiet girl. She is frequently fluffing every feather on her body to stand on end, like hackles on a dog - see attached pic. It's...
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