
  1. cluckmecoop7

    The Clucky Coop Adventures - 2020 CHAT

    Hello, :frow Welcome! Want some mealworms? This thread is called "The Clucky Coop Adventures". This is my 2020 chat/updates thread. I'm hoping to update it daily. I will be sharing **LOTS** of pictures and stories + updates and questions. I'll start with my pets: I have a small flock of six...
  2. Nats Chickens

    Rats stealing chicks?

    I have a broody hen (and, unlike most people, I am doing the happy dance) and, I want to put fertile eggs under her... We have a large colony of rats (also blue tongues and mice) living in our backyard. If Belle and the eggs/chicks are locked in guinea pig hutch inside the coop with bars that...
  3. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    Hi everyone, This is the story of Egbert. The beginning of this year I rescued a baby (ish) pigeon from the ocean. The plan was to let him dry off, eat a bit and fly back home. It turned out the pigeon was quite young, still had that awkward looking face, yellow fluff and possibly only just...
  4. Nats Chickens

    How do you encourage a hen to go clucky?

    Hello, I have a serious broody and I was wondering about when it gets warmer how to encourage her broody in a certain nest so I can get her to hatch eggs? Answers will be much appreciated!
  5. RaptorChicken

    What to name this bantam?

    I have a Porcelain d'Uccle bantam-lavender cochin mix, and I need a name for her!( That's a mouthful!)I like Luna, but I already named a chicken Luna in the past, or maybe I would like a name like willow.( I will post a picture of her tomorrow, because it is dark out and she is sleeping.
  6. CourtneyTartan

    How to tell if my Call Duck is setting/getting clucky

    Hey guys, so recently I`ve started with call ducks and they`ve started laying of late. I was wondering what the signs are of them going clucky/setting etc. She has about 9 eggs that she sits on for a while each day but then also comes off them for a while. She has leaves and sticks that she...
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