cockerel and pullet

  1. B

    Cockerel and pullet bonded pair?

    I have two 7 week old EEs, one pullet and one cockerel. Obviously, they were in the brooder together, but they are absolutely inseparable. Neither goes anywhere without the other and they rarely interact with the older birds (some 10 week olds and some 1 year olds). My question is, how normal is...
  2. M

    Lavender Orpingtons

    Can y’all please help me determine if these are pullets or cockerels? They are about 16 weeks old
  3. Z

    Gender confirmation

    Hi! We have some young chickens but pretty sure we heard some crowing this morning. Now we are trying to figure out if we potentially have more than one rooster. These are the 3 (personality wise) we think could be cockerels. We are nearly certain the gray silkie is male. We’d love your...
  4. Pandang81

    Cockerel or Pullet? Chicks are 7 weeks old

    Please let me know if you think cockerel or pullet. I’ve labeled them in the first picture 1-4. I bought these from a Breeder who said they were all female. He says he checks gender by wings & he sells his cockerels to a company for butchering. Please let me know your thoughts, I’m curious about...
  5. RayrayB

    Sexing D'uccles

    Hi guys! I'm new to d'uccles and am trying to learn a little more about them. Any tricks to sexing them other than comb development? I have two babies that I got that appear to have some age difference between them, but also significant difference in comb size. I'm honestly not even sure how old...
  6. T

    Is my Heather a cockerel?

    I got 3 baby chicks (sexed Isa brown from a big pet shop) around 5 weeks ago. Heather is the smallest without tail feathers and she developed it slower than the other two. Ever since then I started worried about whether she’s actually a he :( Right now I guess they are probably 6 or 7 weeks old...
  7. jspurr318

    Fooled by TSC- what else is new?!

    I bought "pullets" at Tractor supply for egg production only, and as pets. I asked for two Rhode island reds (RIR) and two black austrolorps. I believe I ended up with two female rir, one female black austrolorp and one male black copper maren. Aint TSC lovely! 1. I do not want to breed them...
  8. eveleychook

    Pullet Or Cockerel?

    I have a 11 week old chicken, who has shown no obvious cockerel behaviour or cockerel feathering. When compared to my other 11 week old cockerels, this chicken is slower in growth has thinner legs and its comb has not grown much. Please see below pictures. Please let me know what you think...
  9. K

    9 week EE cockerel or pullet?

  10. K

    Help with sexing Barnevelder

    Hello! My Barnevelders are only a week apart, but they have distinct differences and personalities. The one on the right (in the photo with the girl holding one) has a lighter chest, bigger legs, and bigger pinkish comb. Could she be a cockerel? 4 1/2 weeks on right, 3 1/2 on left. All other...
  11. MamaGer8ty

    Are all three cockerels?

    I have 5wk old chickens and I think these three are cockerels. Am I right? Am I wrong? They seem to like each other at least. Sorry for the little fluff butt in there lol there is a barred rock, golden laced Wyandotte and I’m not for sure the breed of the white one.
  12. Topbless

    Am i having pullet or cockerel? Pls Help!!! The above link was my first thread as a new novice fowl raiser. Base on my promise that I will post the pictures of my Plymouth, barred rock or rock, or tell me the name. Below...
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