cold chicks

  1. S

    Help! Chicks got too cold?!

    We got chicks Wednesday of this week & we had a weekend cabin trip planned so my sister who's had chicks before took care of them for us over the wknd. She unfortunately had one die on Friday & I thought maybe it was stress from shipping then when we came to pick them up on Sunday I found...
  2. qopt

    Baby Chicks Too Cold?

    Today my chicks are about a week old! I raised their heat lamp about 8 inches taking it from 90-95 degrees, to 80-85 degrees. The whole brooder is not in the 80’s, some spots are in the 70’s. Anyways.. my question is, are they too cold? I caught them all sleeping right under the heat lamp...
  3. little fish 2

    Too cold outside for 4-week-old chicks?

    We live in upstate New York, and the chicks are getting overcrowded in the indoor brooder. It's time to get them into a larger setup outside. The difficulty is that next week it'll still get below freezing at April :( Plan to partially cover the outdoor brooder with blankets and add...
  4. tshirtdr1

    Coccidia Vaccine Warning!

    I ordered 25 chicks from Murray. I ordered the full vaccine profile (Marek's and Coccidia) because I thought, why not? I received 25 live and healthy, but chilled, chicks. 2 days later, one previously healthy one started to fade. He had "pasty butt" and I thought, "Oh, no, coccidia!" I ran to...
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