comments appreciated

  1. Laineybug

    Mini Rex Rabbit day 30 pregnancy? When is the babies going to pop out???

    Hello, My 1 and a half year old mini Rex for is 30 days into her gestation period and I know she is supposed to be kindling anytime soon. She has built a nest however there is no fur pulling yet. And she hasn't kindled obviously. I'm starting to get impatient and worried that maybe it is a false...
  2. Yukidongo

    Seriously, "Silky" Smooth Cochin Bantams

    I have had a pair of Cochin Bantams for two years. Rob Roy, and Yuki. He's Frizzled. She is Beautiful, Perfect, smooth regular feathers. The progeny have been Smooth, regular, OR Frizzled. The Frizzle has been of two types. First, a lovely tear drop shaped feather that curls gracefully, and I...
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