coop help

  1. The chicken nurd

    Question about adding poop board

    I finished my new coop a few months ago and now am realizing it might be nice to add a poop board to keep the coop a little cleaner any suggestions on how to do that (Picture of roost below)
  2. April and Andy

    New Coop / Run Questions

    Hello Everyone! Two ducks incoming next spring, starting preperations now. I have a few questions! 1. Is 13'x10' big enough of a run for 2 ducks, it would include their 2x6 hutch, and a 4x4 pool, as their 'run' will be their place all day. When we are home they will be free range in the yard...
  3. Chickamams

    Help with run door gap

    Let me start off by saying I’m not handy! This was painstaking for us; we buried hardware cloth surrounded edges with bricks and there’s an electric wire around perimeter. Coop Knox bc my yard is a coyote and raccoon highway. We need help. This is the walk in run with my coop inside but the...
  4. ChickenTenderKesha

    Attaching Plastic/Tarps to a Run - Show me your methods!

    As some of us already know, the winter months are upon us. Nows the time the snow always flies before we have everything weatherproofed! I know some of us have been getting snow for a while (I understand your pain with what he had gotten before the warm front moved in) so you might already have...
  5. PappaAlfredo

    Chickens won’t use coop right

    My two Americana hens roost on top of their coop instead of inside their coop. Ever since I introduced them to the coop they refuse to return to the inside and nest at night. At first I’d come outside and pick them up one by one from the roof to put them in the coop. But lately I have given up...
  6. MysticUniKitty

    Newbie Integration Question

    So i have an 8 x12 shed that I'm turning into a coop. Currently I have the side with the outlet fenced off for my week old mixed flock babies. I have then in the middle a coop run extension turned into a brooder with 3 one month old marans and 1 black sexlink pullets. I just got offered a light...
  7. freezerpops

    Help make egg gathering less of a hunt...

    So my group of bantams (10, mixed breeds) have just started laying and it’s utter chaos. I’ve got a mature buff orp who is routinely laying in a nest box. The bantams are very sporadic about their laying spots. Two of them only lay in the run (one in a food container, the other straight on the...
  8. deepbluesea

    Making one section of shed into a coop--pointers?

    Hello! So, I'm going to turn one section of my shed into a roomy new coop for my girls. It's a separate area from the main room, and has a roof, one solid wall and a back wall that's got ~1' gap at the bottom. I will need to cut in windows/ventilation and I'm contemplating having the front of...
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