coop location

  1. R

    Coop/Run location help—too close to house?

    Hello, I’m new here and new to the whole chicken experience, but very excited to get started! I am in the design phase and my question is concerning coop and run location. Is it ill advised to put them right next to my home? I plan to repurpose an unused dog run that is right next to my house...
  2. MissGreenJeans

    Coop location: too far?

    Hey, chicken peeps! I’m choosing a place to put my new chicken coop and attached run. I have three options, and they all seem less than ideal: 1. In front of house, on gravel (which I could cover with dirt and mulch), close to water and electricity—and me (very close, in fact, to my porch) 2...
  3. egibsch

    Coop Location - INPUT PLEASE!

    We have our coop under construction and are looking at two places in our yard for its final location. We'd love some input! Background Site: We live in Northeast Ohio, where temperatures range from average lows in the 20's in the winter (although sub-zero windchills happen occasionally) to...
  4. PoofBallSilkie

    Where should I put my coop?

    I was thinking about putting my coop and run here. Anyone have any thoughts? I was wanting something rather close to the house. But not close to the street or other people’s houses.
  5. J

    Coop location - do I need to have a visual from the house?

    I'm going to be starting a small backyard flock in the spring (4 Rhode Island Reds are the plan and first time ever having chickens) and I'm in the coop planning phase. I'm trying to decide where to place the coop and I have a few options: A. Next to the house (about 5 feet from the master...
  6. S

    incorporating plans for future chicks in current landscape design.

    Hi all, I am interested in how folks who live in a suburban neighborhood balance out having chickens along with keeping a nice looking yard that you can host friends in. I recently was able to see a few yards during the Silicon Valley Tour de Coop, but most of the yards were a bit more...
  7. Afrodigh

    Coop Location Questions

    I am in coop-planning phase and have some questions for the chicken experts out there. 1) Chickens & garden: I came across this blog the other day ( and would really like to build something similar in my backyard. My thought...
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