coop planning

  1. Greystone farm

    Dream chicken coop—let’s design one together!

    Hey everybody! My family has recently bought a new house. It’s got a pond for our ducks and lots of space for our chickens to forage in, but unfortunately, our current chicken coop isn’t mobile, and we have to buy or build a new one when we move. However, there is a 12 x 14 foot shed on the...
  2. floral_chickadee

    Building a chicken coop— waterproofing? +coop plans

    Ok so, I’m back once again with a new idea. Previously I was thinking about converting a playhouse into a chicken coop, but after talking with several users about how much “editing” would have needed to be done, I’ve decided against that since it would probably be cheaper and more satisfactory...
  3. qualitymerch

    In Over My Head? HALP

    I think I'm just looking for validation and insight here. For someone that comes from a construction background, I have no idea what I'm doing. Somehow I think I've been given Too Much Freedom and the possibilities are too much for me handle. Ha! So here's ~the plan~ as it stands in my head. The...
  4. OHchickens87

    Coop design input!

    We are located in cleveland area Ohio so we will be dealing with snow as well as warmer temps. Looking to get 4 to 6 chickens mixed standard size breeds (orpington, wyandotte etc) The henhouse is 4x4 with abt 2 in walls and exterior nesting boxes. The run size will be a 4×10 which includes...
  5. Chickie7

    Large Coop off Ground?

    Hi everyone! After about 6 months of me talking to my husband about how neat it would be to add chickens to our farm, we came home with some baby chicks last week :) I know we should have had our coop constructed first, but my husband is a great builder and can put together something really...
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