
  1. C

    [Solved] I turned a cracked hatching egg

    One of our hens stopped brooding a couple of eggs for seemingly no reason so we took them in to a makeshift incubator. Thing is that we aren't sure when they were laid, so we've just been turning them every day. One of the eggs that ended up getting cracked (and repaired with candle wax) has...
  2. 0

    Cracked Egg! Help!!

    I was checking my duck’s eggs as I do every night - candling them to see the growth. I picked one up and my thumb put a hole into it! I know I didn’t grab it hard so I think the eggshell was weak there or already a bit cracked. The embryo is still alive and moving. Saran wrapped the egg and...
  3. 0

    Cracked Egg! Help!!

    I was checking my duck’s eggs as I do every night - candling them to see the growth. I picked one up and my thumb put a hole into it! I know I didn’t grab it hard so I think the eggshell was weak there or already a bit cracked. The embryo is still alive and moving. Saran wrapped the egg and...
  4. F

    HELP! Egg cracked at 19 days

    HELP! My egg cracked on day 19! My Silkie is hatching this egg for me . One week ago this egg has hairline cracks in a circle pattern with some cracks coming off of it like it was bumped by another egg but the cracks never opened up, just hairline. So I put wax on all the cracks and so far the...
  5. H

    Duck Eggs Alive Veins Pipping

    Hi there everyone 😊 I'm completely new to caring for Duck Eggs!! - A Duck laid 14 in our garden and then a cat killed one and scared the mother away :( So I've decided to look after them. They have been in the incubator I bought for them roughly two days, and I've noticed a little crack on one...
  6. E

    Crack and I cant see the pip.

    My first time incubating. We are on day 22. Eight of 12 eggs candled and looked good at lockdown (day 18). One egg has cracked but the widest part of the crack is where I cant see it, underneath. Maybe there is a pip? The membrane is still intact. Noticed this 3 hours ago. Other eggs are...
  7. N

    Egg hatching disaster! 2 eggs 8-6d younger than the first hatched chick, Leading to a whole episode of mistakes and misunderstandings

    DISCLAIMER: i am not fully aware of what happened around the start but i know more about it at the current time. Ok, so the story begins somewhere around april 5th. Momma hen (proud mother of 4 generations) decides that she needs to raise chicks again. There were 3 eggs under her. So you would...
  8. ChickChic00

    Duck Egg

    Is it ok to incubate a duck egg with hairline crack on the inside? Air cell is completely fine.
  9. GallusCornelius

    Small crack in duck beak - should I worry?

    I have 3 white pekin ducks, about 2 months old. One of them as recently developed some kind of crack or split in the top of her beak (see photos - sorry for the back quality, she's a little afraid of my phone). She is acting fine, eating and drinking, and it doesn't seem to be a problem (yet)...
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