crooked toes

  1. F

    Very swollen chicken feet, crooked toes

    My Rhode Island Red hen is about 4 years old. She started to develop swollen feet few months ago; first one foot, then the other. They are getting larger, reddish in parts and she's developing crooked toes.when the weather was freezing. She seems fine otherwise but has stopped laying. The other...
  2. Basil Falafel

    Chick with curled toes and swollen hip

    My 4 week old brahma has had an injured foot since we got her at a few weeks ago, it seems like she can't really move her toes but she's been walking on it pretty normally until a few days ago. Now shes been keeping it curled up and has been walking on her toes and she has a hard swollen purple...
  3. Lacy Duckwing

    Crooked Toes, Am I Doing This Right?

    This is my second thread on this topic. My hen Lilac has crooked toes and I'm trying to fix them, but I'm feeling discouraged and worried that I'm doing it all wrong. I read somewhere to wrap the toes for a month, and the toes will be fine, but there were no pictures except for what to use. I...
  4. Blue Raptor

    Crooked Toes

    This is Fluff, my Australorp, and she has crooked toes since she was a chick. Sadly, I didn’t know what it was or what to do at the time, so I didn’t do anything. She is a full grown hen now. Can I fix it? Or is it permanent now? Sry for lighting.
  5. D

    Crooked toes in chickens

    Hi 3 months ago I hatched some silkie chicks in the incubator from shipped eggs and 2 out of 4 chicks developed crooked toes over time. It was my first time raising chicks without a broody hen and I don't know if it was genetic or cos I was using a heating plate and their feet got cold? Also...
  6. T

    Wholistic Advice Wanted for Sick Bird

    I have an all-white female budgie named Snowy who has been very sick for about two weeks now. I realise this forum is for chickens but I was hoping many of you may have more experience with how to treat your birds wholistically and be of some help. We took her to the vet as soon as we noticed...
  7. nikdonbon

    Curled toes

    Hello all, I have searched this site and haven’t found an answer so I am posting to see if I can get some help. I have a 2 day old chick that was stuck in its shell so I had to help it out a bit. Yesterday I noticed it’s outside toe pointing out words, it seems to be getting worse as it’s now at...
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