
  1. luckysamara199

    Rooster keeps wondering off

    hello I have a 4 month old buff laced polish rooster. He started wondering off to the neighbors property’s and I have to keep on going to get him and it’s very tiring because I don’t want anything to happen to him because all my neighbors have dogs. Does anyone have any advice how I can train...
  2. MochaLatte

    Calling All Sex-perts!

    Good Evening Flock Family! A friend of mine recently(2 weeks ago) picked up 5 chicks from a local feed store. They were marked as pullet Americanas. One of her chicks looks like a possible roo suspect and we would love to hear y'alls thoughts! It is still veeeery early for guessing since they...
  3. L

    Hen or roo guesses? Wattles started coming in.. i

  4. C

    Curious on possible male or female RIR?

    I have 9 rhode island reds that are almost 4 weeks. I believe I have 6 pullets and 3 Roos. I know it’s early but what would you say? Just curious! Lol chick #1 chicks #2 (I believe these both are Roos) Chicks #3 (I believe these are all pullets) chicks#4 (Roo to the left and pullet to the...
  5. Wild-Turkey

    Most Underrated Poultry Breed, Variety, or Species In Your Opinion?

    Hello, this can include waterfowl, galliformes, or if you really want, parrots, parakeets, softbills, or other birds of your choice, for absolutely any reason. Hey, go ahead and stick a mammal or plant in there if you’d like! This is completely for fun so go wild! If anybody’s curious, I think...
  6. FathertoFeathers

    Curious about peacocks

    Thinking about getting some peacocks in the distant future (and I just like to learn about birds) but what all would I need for them? Can they at the same stuff as chickens? Can they live with chickens? If I got a peacock would I have to get hens as well? Can I have a flock of just males? Are...
  7. LemonyCatapult

    Any gender guesses??

    these are two of my two month old chicks, wondering if there is any input yet? Just curious. No crowing yet but they’ve started making an awful lot of noise!
  8. Chickenlover383

    What breed is my chicken???

    I have a 4 and a half year old hen and I was always wondering what breed she was...any thoughts?
  9. Pugsabi

    What is your daily routine?

    I've only had my flock of six for a week and I'm curious as to how everyone takes care of their birds. I change out their water and make sure they have food. I do a head count and make sure the coop is still okay. Am I supposed to look for mites everyday? Check their crops everyday? Etc.
  10. crazychickenlady724

    Anyone Have Pictures?

    So...I'm pathologically curious. What would a chicken with the mottled, pattern, AND barred genes look like? Anyone have Pictures? Google has failed me. I may do a side breeding project just to satisfy my curiosity...
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