
  1. Grey Gables

    Hem Tape for Coop Curtains ?

    Hi! I tried searching around a little but didn't see much on this topic. Has anyone used the iron hem tape (heat bond, whatever it's called) to make curtains for your coop? I've used it for other projects but was wondering if the summer heat would be an issue and cause the hem to come undone. I...
  2. Nest Boxes 101

    Nest Boxes 101

    Roosters crow but the hen delivers, eggs that is! Nest boxes sure can make our lives easier when it comes to collecting eggs. Egg hunting can be fun once a year at Easter time but who wants to go digging around on a daily basis in corners of the coop and bedding, outside under every bush, or...
  3. jwebs94

    Did the new curtains make her lay outside of the nest box, or...?

    Two days ago I got two eggs. Both shell-less. It was our first eggs, it's been stinking hot... I am not concerned about it, just setting a time line :) Both were laid near the roost bars. Yesterday I got my first egg!! From an almost-20 week old Easter Egger! (They turn 20 weeks today). It had a...
  4. Dani & Mikey

    Our first ever egg!

    Well, it finally happened. One of my little chickpeas became a hen today! So we are officially embarking on the next stage of chickening. They are all about 18 weeks but I suspect it was one of my Isa Browns. Yesterday I put up some new curtains made of an old sheet. I put up some nesting box...
  5. barred2rock


    Due to a possible egg eater, I put up curtains (black cut up t-shirt) on the nest boxes. As soon as I did the girls would look at the nest then back at me, as if to say what the heck is this. They seem confused and now I'm worried they may not use the boxes. Those of you that have curtains over...
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