
  1. L

    2 Indiana Runner Duck Drakes in Denver, Colorado

    I have two Indiana runner ducks that I got from a farm in Fort Collins at the same time as my four chickens. They turned out to be drakes, unexpectedly, and have started to aggressively mount my chickens so it’s time for them to find a new home. Would anyone be willing and able to give Hurry...
  2. C

    Looking to re-home 2 newly laying hens

    I have 2 young hens (23 weeks old) that I’m hoping to rehome. A Buff Orpington and an Easter Egger. Together they lay 7-8 eggs a week. They are sweet, healthy girls who give me no trouble, but the coop dynamic changed when we had to take back our accidental rooster and I don’t have the space I...
  3. B

    Denver, CO - Five friendly, young laying chickens! Need a new home.

    Five beautiful, healthy and friendly chickens looking for a new home. We are moving and sadly can't take our girls. We have 2 grey Orpingtons, 1 black Orpington, 1 light Brahma and 1 partridge Cochin. They were all born in April of last year and are the sweetest things! They will eat from your...
  4. C

    Need to Re-Home a 1 year old Wyandotte Hen in the Denver area

    I am looking for a good home for Cora. She is a healthy chicken almost 1 year old and an excellent layer. She has been bullying her other two coopmates and will need to be re-homed. I think she would do better in a larger flock. Let me know if you are interested.
  5. urbanchickenadventure

    Seeking Crevecoeurs in Colorado

    This past summer we got lucky and found two Crevecoeurs and two Porcelain Leghorns to start us off on our chicken raising ventures. Sadly, I lost the flock leader, our big Crevercoeur, to a cat recently and would like to find at least one to two more to round out our flock again. Their...
  6. Peskypigeon

    6w grey/silver button hen (CO)

    I have buttons for friendliness, and she is nothing but skittish. She is also lonely and desperately needs company, but refuses human attention. If someone can offer her a home, they can have her for free. i can add pictures of course. thank you!
  7. C

    Rooster in Denver, Colorado - needs a country home

    It's bound to happen, and it did! We find ourselves with a rooster and we can't keep him. He's a 4 month old Turken (hence the crazy neck). Any leads on where/how to find him a new home near Denver, we're all ears. Also interested if anyone knows someone who would be willing to process just...
  8. Denverhomestead

    Hello BYC!

    My name is Julie & I am greeting you from Denver, Colorado. I have had chickens for almost 6 years now. It started out for the eggs, and grew into a full-blown obsession! I have 1/4 acre that the girls free range..... did someone say spoiled??? I currently have two "geriatric" RIR ladies & one...
  9. Wild Hair

    Douglas County, CO members!

    Hey all. I'm in need of suggestions. We are looking for places to board 1-3 goats. I say one to three because we recently moved to Parker and had to leave our three goats behind with family. Upon recent visits, we've become unhappy with the care they're under, mostly an issue with fresh water...
  10. dandy100

    Denver & suburbs, need home for 3 hens Please!!

    Hi, thanks so much for considering this. I am having a major mouse problem in my coop right now that I am losing the war on. I need to get the chickens and their food out of there! Can anyone take my 3 hens, a buff orpington, an olive egger and a plymouth rock? They range from 3 to 5 years...
  11. Hayleydanger

    Hi! I'm Hayley :)

    Hi Everyone :) My name is Hayley! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm brand new to chickens! I got my first chicks in April. I started with two baby Silkies (Named Morticia and Gabe) and a dark Brahma (Super Hans). Super Hans turned out to be a rooster and in our...
  12. H

    Denver Colorado: this may be new or updated info for you....

    the information I can see for Denver, Colorado looks like it was last updated in 2009.. I have some newer information that may be helpful. It does not print with a date (that I can find, anyway), however, I printed on 08-01-2017. Doug Kelley is listed as the director of the Department of...
  13. henvy

    Fowl Pox in North Denver CO

    Hi all, I think my rooster has Fowl Pox (I'll post a photo later). I saw it two mornings ago and today I think I see signs on two hens. I'm hoping its dry pox. Has anyone else in Denver had a problem with pox this year (or any time)? Should I call CSU to talk to one of their vets? Anyone...
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