
  1. S

    Bare Earth Enclosure & Mite Treatment

    Hi guys, Newbie post here :) Sadly our little flock has got Scaly Leg Mites and while we're sorted with treatments and disinfecting their coop and perches, there seems to be little advice for what to treat their actual enclosure with. Most disinfectants appear to be designed for concrete...
  2. E

    Disinfecting the coop

    Hi! I am curious what everyone uses to disinfect their coops after outbreaks especially coccidiosis. I was told to use bleach but have been reading a lot that it's ineffective? Is ammonia the best to use? The floor and walls are wood....
  3. barred2rock

    Disinfecting Shoes?

    I've seen it recommended numerous places that one should disinfect their shoes everytime they go out to the chicken area. Does anyone actually do this? What do you use as a disinfectant? I have one pair of boots that I were everywhere. I've never disinfected them. Am I putting my flock in...
  4. SBmember


    Will "aroma controlled cleaning vinegar" sprayed in a wooden brooder then left to dry work as a disinfectant. The wood is porous and in our house so I hesitate to use anything that'll have to be sprayed or rinsed out. We have food grade safe for consumption distilled from corn and diluted with...
  5. L

    Disinfectant for coop?

    I am looking for a save disinfectant that I can clean my duck coop out with. The coop is in my enclosure so the water with the disinfectant will run off into the ground. I'm leary of a lot of products I read that Tractor Supply sells... what are most people using to clean the coops out with...
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