
  1. B

    Are Dominque chickens angry/bullies?

    I recently got a Dominicker, what I’ve been taught to call Dominque chickens, as a replacement for a chick that died. The chick I originally bought was either a Barred Rock or Dominicker. Anyway, my dad raised Dominickers and Rhode Island Reds, so did my mom but she had more variety, and my dad...
  2. B

    What breed is my chick? I’m thinking Cuckoo Maran?

    She’s 3.5 weeks old, I included a baby picture and a 2 current picture. I got an assortment so this is a list of the breeds she can be: Barnevelder, Blue Andalusian, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Buff Brahma, Cochin, Columbian Wyandotte, Cuckoo Marans, Dark Brahma, Dominique, French Black Copper...
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