
  1. T

    Dark, dry, hard waddle in summer no known cause

    Chicken was fine yesterday. Chicken now has a dark hard dry waddle. Chicken is acting fine eating drinking etc. No changes To the chickens behavior other than the lesion on the waddle
  2. Cadag

    Hen with prolapse and eggbound.

    I have a hen that I found yesterday that was prolapsed and egg bound. we cleaned her up and got the egg out. it was about 2:00 yesterday that we go done and put her in a chicken tractor wrapped in garbage bags to keep out the sun to try to keep her from laying anymore eggs. I tried to put the...
  3. CallDuckLover01

    Dry hatching

    Hi, I have call ducks and I’m trying to hatch eggs in my incubator but not having good results. I’ve never done a dry hatch before. Would a dry hatch work with call duck eggs? If so could someone please explain to me how to do a dry hatch. Thank you
  4. prestoconfuoco

    Cracked/bleeding bill and skin near eye -- frostbite or dry skin, or something?

    Hi everyone, I live in upstate NY (as in really upstate), so it gets very very cold here. My drakes in particular have had peeling skin on their bills for a few months, but it always looked very normal to me so I didn't worry about it very much -- just normal shedding dead skin-cells type of...
  5. Azaia

    Help Needed - Dry, Flaky,Yellow Crust Comb and Wattle with Head Shaking

    Hello Everyone, I'm a new chicken keeper based in Southern England. I have Burford Browns, Legbars, a Maran and few Orpingtons. My young male Orpington was bought along with his flock from a single and reputable breeder. Though since ive had him he has had terrible sore looking dry flaky...
  6. WolfLady

    Keeping membrane from drying?

    Hi! Since my current hatch seems to struggle a bit and that I may have to assist more than usual, what can I use to keep membrane from drying? I often see coconut oil, neosporin and vaseline being recommended, but I sadly don't have any of those and I live in the middle of nowhere without a car...
  7. C

    Dry and Peeling Skin on Chicken’s Face

    I have inserted a couple pictures of my 2 silkie chickens who are maybe about 6 months old. Can anyone tell me what’s causing their skin to be like this and how to treat it? My other chickens seem fine.
  8. T

    Week old chicks not well

    Came home from work today and found our chicks looking like they are dried out. Feathers very thinned and dry and crusty to the touch. They have water with electrolytes and probiotics. The heat lamp is on and at a safe distance. This is our second time and with the same setup. We had no issues...
  9. clucknorris1

    Improving Run Drainage by adding stone, sand and gravel?

    So, we have been free-ranging for the past year or so, but due to a stealth fox using our lawn as its own personal drive-thru this spring, we recently built an enclosed run. However (and yes, I realized we should have started with this, but too late now), I need to add drainage. Our property...
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