duck integration

  1. rakeshkarthik

    New Ducklings Integration - Need Advice

    Hi There, I'm a new duck owner, learning many things from this community. Thanks for your support. I have 2 teen Ducklings (5 weeks old - 1 Male and 1 Female). After I recently lost 2 ducklings 😣 after 3 weeks, I bought 2 more female ducklings which are like 10 days old. I am raising them...
  2. N

    What is good and bad duck behavior?

    So I’m integrating 2 new female ducks that are about 3ish months with a male and a female duck that are about 2 years old. One of the new ducks is a blue Swedish another one is a Pekin duck. The older male duck is a Rouen duck and the other lady is a cayuga. When we first started introductions...
  3. wyandotte102

    How do I help my ducks get along???

    Hey guys! My name is Stella, and I recently moved to country to start a little farm. I have two ducks, a drake and a hen named Honey and Butter. I recently bought two more ducklings (Happy Feet and Biscuit). I believe that one is a girl and the other a boy. I've had the ducklings for almost two...
  4. Kallywumpus

    Big duck + little ducks = family?

    Hello all! Our male khaki campbell is the lone survivor of a dog attack. He's finally getting healed up, and we'll be ordering some ducklings. We've had no luck finding anyone older. He's inside right now since the empty pen is fairly traumatizing for him. The plan is to put the ducklings in a...
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