duckling hatching

  1. E

    This duckling insides are stuck to the egg

    I had a neighbor ask me to house sit last minute because of family emergency, she had some ducks hatching , this one got dried out and stuck to the egg, I was able to get some shell off without disturbing anything, will this duckling be able to suck everything back up? I added moisture and...
  2. lavendermarie

    A Couple Questions on Incubating

    Hello! I want to hatch some duck eggs this year but I have a few questions first! I want to make sure I do everything right to ensure an easy, effective, and safe hatch. (I apologize in advance if these seem obvious to some! It’s only my third time using an incubator and would be my first time...
  3. AnnieDuck

    Help with bruised egg please!

    We are hatching Welsh Harlequin and Appleyard duck eggs. They are just going into lockdown today, day 25. One of the eggs has what I think may be a bruise on the pointed side. When I candle the egg, it has a normal air sac, good veins, and is moving. However, the other side also has what...
  4. D

    Duckling Eggs incubating- fertile or not?

    Hi! This is my 5th year of incubating duckling eggs but the earliest I’ve done it (usually do it in April/May, but had to do it early this year because I’m travelling). I’m worried that the eggs I have are not fertile as when I candle them I don’t see development. I’m on day 5/6 today (they were...
  5. D

    Duckling egg externally pipped 2 days ago and no more progress

    Hi, I have 2 ducklings eggs that have made pretty big external pip holes about 2 days ago and since then they’ve not made much progress. they’re peeping like crazy and moving but the beaks are outside the shell. They’re very loud but sound as if they are in distress. The other eggs have pipped...
  6. pax12


    i'm back after that long break lol this has been an interesting last 28 days of ups and downs for sure. here is the link to the live stream
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