duckling injury

  1. C

    Duckling wing injury or just preening?

    Hello to all of you, I’m hoping I can get an answer. One of my big ducklings has developed this on her wing tip. At first I thought it was dirt but then she swam around and I was helping her clean up and noticed it was dried blood and then she had new blood after the bath. Is it due to her...
  2. T

    duck fell and twisted its neck

    So this happened quite a while ago, like a month or two ago, when my ducklings were still pretty young (not super young, they were in that stage where they were a little big). so back then my dad put the ducklings in big carboard boxes with grass and holes poked in them, and that arrangemnt was...
  3. Nicksmamma99

    Hurt duckling

    Found we have babies and this little one must have been attacked by the other hens we have in the coop. Is he savable or better to put him down?
  4. mblack03

    Slipped Tendon troubles

    Hi! This week's been all sorts of crazy; I wanted to make a separate thread detailing my experience so far, and hopefully get some help. I've felt nothing but defeated today and would really like to get some insight from others. Last Sunday, I noticed my 4/5 week old baby mallard, Moe, began...

    Injury to 5 day old duckling

    So I have a chicken coop and duck enclosure that share a fence separating the 2. My 2 female pekins hatched only 2 ducklings. I kept the moms and babies in the duck house. There's a small Crack in the door that I had blocked with a board. Somehow the board got moved. One duckling squeezed out...
  6. Chickycammy

    I have horrible luck - Duckling hurt

    Yes, another thread but I'm having the worst luck lately :( This morning my brother came over with his kids (14 and 13) to see my new babies and to help me make repairs on some of the coops/runs. We left the kids alone with the babies and went out to work. Awhile later the oldest comes running...
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