duckling sexing

  1. Gingernutt

    Need help sexing 6 week old muscovy duckling

    I have a 6 week old muscovy duckling and I want to know or have an idea what gender it might be. I never had ducks before and haven't got a clue how to vent sex or what to look for. My duckling did start developing feathers around the tail quils (if thats what they are called) just before 3...
  2. TheBirdBabe

    Hatchery sexed ducklings

    Hello everyone! Would anyone know which hatcheries sell sexed ducklings? I've found one so far, but I've found that most don't. I can't bring myself to have MORE MALES! 😅 Thanks!
  3. L

    Help with colour/sex of call ducks?

    Hi, we currently have 9 call ducklings that are 5-6 weeks old. Could anyone tell me what colour they could be? Also any guesses on which could be male or female? This was our first time hatching and first time with ducklings so we have no idea! Thanks :)
  4. Greystone farm

    WH Drake or duck???

    Hey everyone! My Welsh Harlequin duckling Charlie is six weeks old. I bought her as a sexed female, but now I’m not so sure if ‘she’ is actually a drake. First off, her beak never turned purplish black like my other duckling (who I’m positive is a female) did. It’s a lightish pink with a black...
  5. WannaBeHillBilly

    Gender of Buff Orpington Ducklings

    Hi Friends, with my Spring Ducklings i have ordered five Buff Orpington ducklings, four girls and one boy. Unfortunately the hatchery did not mark the boy with a leg-band or something else. I am very bad at vent-sexing, actually i was searching for the vent in the wrong location and the...
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