ducks attacked

  1. M

    Duck Seems to have Extreme Anxiety Weeks after Attack

    My two female ducks were attacked three weeks ago and both survived. They are fully healed and one seems to be back to normal. The other one seems to have extreme anxiety. She constantly quacks very loud and the quack sounds very stressed. She was very comfortable with me and people beforehand...
  2. M

    My ducks were attacked

    Last night at around 6:30 pm my two white pekin ducks were attacked by what we believe to be a weasel. They are still alive and I took them to an emergency exotic vet last night. They were cleaned, given antibiotics and pain medicine. Today, they seem to be struggling just the same. They were...
  3. wyandotte102

    How do I help my ducks get along???

    Hey guys! My name is Stella, and I recently moved to country to start a little farm. I have two ducks, a drake and a hen named Honey and Butter. I recently bought two more ducklings (Happy Feet and Biscuit). I believe that one is a girl and the other a boy. I've had the ducklings for almost two...
  4. Kimmyh51

    Ducks head wounds, whats doing it? Slightly graphic photos)

    hi guys. I have had a number of the wild mallards that live here, show up with really nasty abrasions all around the same area of their head lately. all of the ducks were wild mallards, none of my domestic ducks have been attacked. Most of the ducks were juvenille females. One was a 2&1/2...
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