ear injury

  1. M

    What should I do about inflamed ear?

    Hi all, Just noticed this on my smallest Rhode Island Red (smallest of the flock, but I haven't noticed her getting bullied specifically). Do I need to do anything with this or should I let it heal up on its own? She's acting normally as far as I can tell, occasionally shaking her head but...
  2. Knnelson20

    Scabbed wound?

    Not sure if this is an ear infection on my Easter Egger or a pecking wound. She’s typically the dominant hen and not too many mess with her. I picked the scab and no puss, just pale pink flesh crater (if that makes sense) * I wish I took pictures after I removed it 🤦🏼‍♀️ Any ideas? Treatment...
  3. joella13b

    Rooster bleeding from ears

    My rooster has had dried blood coming out of both ears for a few months now. I have helped remove some at the ends with warm water but can never get it all off. Appears he has waxy ears but other that that I haven’t noticed anything else abnormal besides that he is yawning a lot more often...
  4. F

    Pecking order got a little too rough, chooks ear left without a cover

    I’ll try getting a picture tomorrow, chooks currently roosting and would rather let the poor thing rest. Basically I put this chook in with the others after it got old enough and while they’ve been picking on the poor thing for the past few months its been in there it’s always been able to get...
  5. M

    Earlobe area open wound, help

    My Azure blue hen Pearl has a open wound on side of head by earlobe? Noticed it midday today, could the other hens have pecked her? How do I help her to heal? Do I have to separate her from the others? So new to raising chickens, she’s my kids favourite I hope she’ll be ok, any advice is...
  6. fudgethechicken

    Chicken Shut in Coop Door!

    So one of my teenage chicks was trying to escape the coop as my sister was leaving and got herself shut in the door...at first we thought she had a broken neck and wasn't going to make it but she then was able to move just fine so we threw out that idea. However, there was a lot of blood around...
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