early pipping

  1. T

    Pipping early!

    Help! This is my first incubation. I’m not going to be home today or tomorrow so I took the eggs from the turner last night and added more water to raise humidity (day 17). This morning I checked on them before leaving and one is pipping and chirping. What do I do? If anything? If/when it...
  2. M

    Duck eggs already pipped on Monday, not due to hatch until Friday!

    SOS!! I have duck eggs in a borrowed incubator that you cannot see through. I opened the incubator today to candle them and 3 out of 6 have pipped already! Today is Monday; they are not due to hatch until Friday. They are not on lockdown and I will have to open the incubator again to either move...
  3. FoodFreedomNow

    Surprise! Early pipping.

    I was quite surprised to discover that my Pilgrim eggs in lockdown (I lock down 5 days prior to hatch) were externally pipped, already, this afternoon. :thI cranked up the humidity and am ready for hatchlings, but this is 2 days early. The incubator was running a bit on the high side for...
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