egg death

  1. TaylorGlade

    Are these eggs problematic?

    We are candling eggs - day 14 and came across these two eggs. The first one is a video, so I could try to show the shadowy movement. Is this normal? It doesn't look like the other eggs. Please forgive the music. It was to drown out background music: Has this egg died? I don't see any growth...
  2. I

    Is the egg alive?

    Hi! I found this egg in my backyard and I cannot tell if it’s alive. My friend’s brother thinks it’s a goose egg. Anyways, I tried checking to see if it was alive by doing this thing called “candling” and I still can’t tell if it’s alive or not. If it is alive, any tips on taking care of it will...
  3. Chickycammy

    Chicken egg failure...

    I have 2 incubators now, both the same type: Little Giant still air egg incubator 9300 and they hold up to 46 eggs each. I use one for the incubating and the other for lockdown. I'm not thinking it's the incubator's fault but maybe something of my own or the parent genes. The first hatching I...
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