egg production low

  1. M

    Egg production and size

    Hello, I am new to everything involving chickens I currently have 6. 2 of which are golden laced wyanandotte, I think three are ameracauna and one buff rock. Bieber rock has been laying for about three weeks now and her eggs are about medium sized she lays every day. One of the golden laced...
  2. 4

    HELP! My chickens are slowing/stopping egg production at less than A YEAR old

    HELP! My chickens are slowing/stopping egg production at less than A YEAR old!! Please help! My chickens egg production was really great (I have four hens and we were getting 4 eggs a day) until a couple of weeks ago when we started getting 0-2 eggs a day. I thought it might be a calcium...
  3. LuLu and her Ladies

    No one's been laying in sunny CO

    I have a flock of five hens, 3-4 years old. I have some pretty consistent layers. Their production went down in past winters, but for 1 month we haven't got any eggs! We are in Denver, CO. The days and nights have even been seasonally "warm" - night time temps between 20 and 40 degrees. All...
  4. Awestruck

    Egg Production Went Way Down

    I have six hens, a year and a half old. They started laying last September. The egg production became fairly good for a while. But over the summer, it got too hot and it rained a lot. Egg production went down. Other people who owned chickens in our area (Central Florida) were saying the same...
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