eggs abnormal - bloody yolk onky eggs - no shell

  1. The-White-Elephant

    Egg bound.

    Hola everyone. So….. About last week Saturday, I noticed my red Cochin (1 year 2 months) acting off. This went on for about 3 days, so I gave her a caclium pill. Not all of it though, as it was 1,000 mg, and I did not want to overdose. After about 2 days, I saw that she was starting to get...
  2. S

    Pulled a membrane from vent

    I went to check for eggs and disturbed my barred rock. When she was done I noticed a stringy thing hanging from her vent and she was struggling to get it out so I put on a glove and helped her. Yesterday she laid an egg with a thin shell and blood inside not just a speck but streaks throughout...
  3. Mcmchick

    Do I need to switch food??

    Hi ! My chickens free range my yard, I don't go thru much feed. I only had 3 this summer, down to 2 this winter. I've noticed that since the snow has been here (their first winter) my chickens eggs have changed, one is shell less and the other her yolks are light yellow when they used to be a...
  4. W

    Very sick hen!

    My 3.5 year old hen and a survivor of Mareks is not well. She is normally my best egg layer with the largest egg. These are often so large she strains and then needs assistance with prolapse. Usually a warm bath and olive oil to assist with proper placement. However, she has layed two soft...
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