
  1. pekin queen

    pekin bantam club

    hi i just thought we need a pekin bantam club where we talk about are pekin bantams thees things can go any wher from exhibition,problems,genetics,storeys,and other chook talk to! :wee:):woot:love:yesss::highfive::celebrate
  2. pekin queen

    pekin bantam showing tips

    hi i am new to showing i have pekin bantams and i need a few tips thanks :hugs:) p.s i have mottled pekin bantams
  3. C

    Looking for Hamburg and Wyandotte chickens

    Looking for Hamburg (bantam and standard) chickens for sale. -eggs, chicks or adults Also looking for Wyandotte bantams chickens for sale. -eggs, chicks or adults Please let me know what vareities you have available.
  4. 3clucks

    Best silkie breeds/colors for exhibition?

    Hello there, I am very new to showing chickens and have become very interested in showing silkies. I am wondering what color would be best for showing, since I am aware that some colors/ color combos are not accepted for breed standards, (please correct me if I’m wrong). Also what of type of...
  5. gastropoda

    Showing Coturnix Quail

    Would anyone be willing to share your knowledge of showing their coturnix quail at their county fair? I would like to show a few birds this year as a hobby quail breeder - mostly just to possibly spark some interest in the breed in my community and maybe find any other quail keepers nearby that...
  6. Jack Czerwonka

    Feeding Showbirds

    Hi I was wondering if I should feed my snowbirds the same that I feed my egg layers. Thanks
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