
  1. PioneerChicks

    What Kinds of Raptors have Attacked your Poultry?

    I am wondering what kind of raptors (aka birds of prey) have attacked your poultry before. By attack I mean dive and attack (or attempt to attack) them, successful or not. Please vote on the poll and post a comment about wether the raptor caught the chicken/duck/whatever or not and (if you...
  2. American Kestrel

    American Kestrel

    A male American Kestrel perched on a telephone wire.
  3. MattyBowman

    Someone spotted my girls!

    Today in the middle of refreshing the hay in the run, I heard the chickens squawk “what the flock!!!” and turned around to see this guy. He can’t get into the run so it’s okay, but it’s still a little unnerving.
  4. DuckMochi

    It IS a hawk!!

    So a few weeks ago I made a post on here saying I saw a hawk or two continuously circling around our neighborhood. I concluded that what I thought was a hawk was actually a buzzard until recently. While I was out in the run with the birds I saw it in the air again and luckily my father was...
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