feed bill

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    How much approx. should a chicken eat a day? I'm worried I may be overfeeding.

    My chickens are getting given a little under a cup of feed per bird each a day. Are they over eating? I have no giant breeds like cornish cross. I looked it up and it sound like between 1/2 c. - 3/4 c. each is enough. Thank you for your time.
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Has anyone used layer pellets with supplements for chicks? Help appreciated.

    Chick starter is getting hard to come by where I live and more expensive. We have a flock of many chicks, 11 keets, and 2 goslings. My question is has anyone on here successfully fed layer feed to chicks and/or keets and/or goslings with supplements? We have started fermenting are feed to help...
  3. NinjaGamer2022

    Help appreciated - Would you mind sharing your homemade/custom chick feed?

    Me and my family own many chicks as well as some keets and goslings, ranging from a few months old to as young as ~1 week. Chick and Gamebird starter is becoming scarce where we are and we need a back up option for feeding are flock or we will have to cull birds we didn't want to. Help is...
  4. Cierabug


    Im doing an experiment to figure out the best states to start an egg producing farm in. If you want to help with experiment just list the ammount you sell your eggs for, the cost of a 50 lb feed bag where you live, and the state you live in. State: California Egg price : 3.5$ no specialties...
  5. FarmerGirl101

    Fermented Feed-Is it really a superfood?

    Hello! So lately I have been seeing many posts about Fermented feed. I have heard that it cuts your feed bill by a whole lot. I am very open to this idea and I have been wondering how to do. For a long time, I fed 6 chickens 16% crumbles which would get eaten in a week and keep in mind that this...
  6. ChickenLover5912

    How long would it take to go through a 50 lb bag with 3 Serama hens?

    i might be getting 3 Serama hens tomorrow and I was wondering how long a 50 lb bag would last me? They’ll be free ranging for about an hour in the morning and at least an hour in the afternoon and I plan on giving as many scraps as I can.
  7. SuperK

    Sprouting Barley Update

    Well, it has been a few weeks using the Sprouting station and the hens love the fresh greens, grains and having to pick their way though the root mats. I am still not getting close to 70% germination so I'll be looking into that soon. I know I am having bird issues during the day; doves raiding...
  8. Catherine Spencer


    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the most efficient egg layers are for the price of feed. I let mine run the backyard most daylight hours in addition to a good crumble feed. But I am finding it very financially upside down for the number of eggs I’m getting versus how much I’m...
  9. Ducksforlife1

    Feeding Duck Scratch Grain Only During Fall/Winter

    Would it be okay to only feed scratch grains to Muscovy ducks during the fall/winter times? Since they won't be laying eggs would it suffice? I have young juvenile Muscovy ducklings that I hatched from @Nyla 's eggs. I have a meal worm farm in my house so I'll always add meal worms to their...
  10. misschickenlover

    is it really worth buying? or not?

    i only own a handful of hens atm (with high hopes of getting some more in the future) and i seem to be going through a lot of feed. one of my church friends said that getting a treadle feeder actually quartered their feed bill? is it worth buying or does it just waste time and effort?
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