feeding schedule

  1. G

    12 week old pullets go back to bed late morning

    Good morning everyone, I am new to raising chicks and my 12 week old Barred Rock hens are cracking me up… they have a automatic chicken coop door that opens at dawn and closes at dusk. The last week they have been coming out of the coop around 7am, eating, and going back in the coop to roost...
  2. PioneerChicks

    Your poultry schedule?

    For a bit of fun and a get-to-know-you, how do your days go with poultry? Mine work out something like this: Around 7:30-9:00 am. Let chickens out. Do a head count. Melt water with ice (if the heat chip isn't set up already). Photograph chickens and nature. Feed pigeons. Sometimes give the...
  3. chickiechickiebawkbawk

    What time do I feed them breakfast?

    Hi chicken family, I am in Northern Vermont and the last few days were cold. I'm trying to give my birds 14 hours of light with the artificial timer that comes on in the morning. It was coming on at 4am and now it comes on at 3 because of daylight savings time. They have to stay in their coops...
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