
  1. C

    Chicken submissive squat - when to expect first egg?

    Hi y’all! I have a video of my going on 4 month old Easter egger. I pet all my girls but when I tried to pet her, she did a crazy instant freeze pose with wings a bit fanned out. I read that this is the submissive squat when ready for a rooster which we do not have. Her comb is still not very...
  2. D

    The Wait is agonizing!!

    I have 6 BO pullets at age 18 weeks. About three are scrawnier, with bright red waddles that have developed quite a bit, and do a squat when I pet them sometimes. The others are bigger pullets, and from my understanding, won’t be as good of egg layers. Any tips/prep, things I should be doing...
  3. D

    Old chicken door original barn- third bay garage, so cool!

    Hey everyone! Cleared out my garage and found an old door that must be for chickens back in the day. We were moving our small coop into the third bay of the garage where it is conveniently located. Made a nice setup and my neighbor who happens to be a carpenter made a nice little ladder/ramp to...
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