flock size

  1. AGeese

    What size flock do you have?

    So what size flock are you running? Do you have more than one? any tips for management? any regrets, wishes, or future plans to expand or downsize?
  2. 5

    🐓How Big is Your Flock?🌸

    Chicken raisers can have flocks of 4 to 2000! What’s your flock size? You could even share some pics of your flock🐓💗
  3. I

    Do I have too many baby chicks? Should I downsize now?

    Hello, I’m new here! Kind of! I had chickens for a few years until about 4 years ago, then many life changes occurred. Now that I have my own home in the country and land, I wasted no time in ordering baby chicks. 😂 They all arrived in good shape, however the hatchery I used did have order...
  4. HappyFluffButts

    What's the Optimum Happy Flock Size?

    If space isn't an issue (i.e. lots of acreage), how many chickens make a happy flock? I'm not looking for a minimum or a maximum, but rather what is the optimum or sweet spot? I'd like to buy some acreage to plant a food forest. To build up the soil and generate income while I wait for the...
  5. KristysBoys

    What's your "Dream Flock"? How many chickens is the perfect amount for you? What breeds do you adore?

    I ask this because I'm growing my flock this year, not merely recouping lost numbers. (We had an issue with predators that caused me to lose over half my flock of 11 last year.) We are in the process of building a bigger, better enclosure with a large shed-type coop that I can easily walk in and...
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