
  1. LukasChickens

    My young chicken is very sick... please help :( (eyes, belly)

    Hello everyone! I need help with one of my chickens. Three days ago she started to be very sad, her belly was swollen so we thought that she had "water belly" and also her poop was really weird it was white and much like liquid, it wasn't normal. The next day we got syringe and a 18G needle we...
  2. Boonie Stomper

    Chickens love STYROFOAM! Eating Again, Polystyrene!

    Its amazing what lengths chickens will go to for a crop full of styrofoam cooler or polystyrene packing often used as insulation. :pop Mine have never shown any illness from having eaten a little of it in the past. But though I've tried to get it away from and keep it from them in the past, I...
  3. P

    Chicken Eye watery foam Help

    hi my chicken is all well in health. its just that her eyes becomes watery foam. what do you think is wrong with her and i also checked any injuries or anything around the eyes and i couldnt find anything
  4. AnconaMommy

    Foamy poop

    My female Welsh Harlequin was having clear poop with foam in it the other day. I separated her from her sisters and she's been living it up in my kitchen for the past three days. Eating, drinking, and still loving her fresh veggies. She appeared to have gotten weak (would waddle, then lie down...
  5. Rondack

    Chickens and foam

    Many chickens like eating foam.... Is that bad? Is foam good or bad for chickens?
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